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Working with TestNG.XML to execute Selenium test suite

While using TestNG, we can execute multiple tests or methods in the project based on the test annotations, the methods, and classes in the Project. We will execute the test suite from eclipse using TestNG.xml in this article to keep it simple, although we can execute the Test Suite from command line or through Ant.


Focus of this article:

  • How to create TestNG xml file to run test suite.
  • How to run test from the TestNG xml file in eclipse.

Let us consider the below two classes in a Java Project. To Keep it simple, we are just outputting a value in each of the Test method. Suppose we have two different classes, we can create a test suite using testng.xml file and run the test suite from eclipse as shown in the below image.

Creating TestNG.xml file for different scenarios:

A. Run all the tests in both classes NewTest and NewTest1. This will execute all the methods with beforetest annotation in both the classes, followed by methods with test annotation, and then methods with afterText annotation.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
  <test name="Test">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
       <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

B. Run test in class NewTest and then the methods in NewTest1 class:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
  <test name="Test1">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
  <test name="Test2">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

C. Executing all tests in a package with name as TestNG(Note: TestNG is the name of package in our example, it can be any name other than TestNG also)

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
    <package name="testNG" />  

D. Executing all tests based on the group Name:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
    <include name="testemail"/>  
    <exclude name="testnoemail"/>  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

E. Executing specific methods by including methods in the class:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
   <class name="testNG.NewTest">  
     <include name="emailval" />  
   <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  


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