Blog to understand automation concepts in QTP, Selenium Webdriver and Manual Testing concepts

Showing posts with label qtp Scripts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label qtp Scripts. Show all posts

XPath Object Identification in UFT descriptive programming

UFT also supports XPATH and css together with descriptive programming, object repository and DOM for object Identification.

Xpath stands for Xml Path. Below are some XPath examples to be used with UFT. Xpath and css are most widely used object identification way in selenium also.

Xpath examples:



Attribute Value:




partial attribute value




To know details on what is CSS and XPath and how to capture CSS or xpath of an element. refer to

XPath and CSS for selenium/UFT

We can use tools like firebug/firepath or IE developer tool to identify the xpath/css of an element.

xpath is really useful when element is not identified diretly based on Object repository properties and used to
identify an element based on relative element existence based on other elements in the tree.

VBScript code to convert Excel data to HTML format

This article explains the code to convert content of an excel file into html code. This can be useful for better representation of excel data in html format.

Code to convert Excel data to HTML format

''strWbk - Full path of the excel workbook
''strWsheetName - Name of the worksheet
'' strHTMLFile - Name of the html file with path
Public Function CreateHTMLFromExcel(strWbk,strWsheetName,strHTMLFile)
Set oExcel = Createobject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.visible = false
Set objExcelWB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(strWbkPath)
Set objExcelWS = objExcelWB.Worksheets(strWsheetName)
'Getting the rows and column count
 strColumnCount = objExcelWS.UsedRange.Columns.Count
 strTotRows = objExcelWS.UsedRange.Rows.Count
strTable = "<table border=""""2"""">"
'Create html table based on content of the excel file
 For j=1 to strTotRows
  strTable = strTable & "<tr>"
  For i=1 to strColumnCount
    strData = Trim(objExcelWS.Cells(j,i))
    strTable= strTable & "<td>"& strData &"</td>"
  strTable =strTable & "</tr>"
 strTable = strTable & "</table>"
 set objFSO=Createobject("scripting.FileSystemObject")
 set objtxt = objFSO.createTextFile(strHTMLFile)
'Closing the workbook
 set objFSO =nothing
End Function

Code to get title of all open browsers in QTP/UFT

We can get titles of all the open browser open using descriptive programming in QTP as explained in the code below:

Function GettitleAllbrowsers()
GettitleAllbrowsers = ""
Set objBrowser = Description.Create
objBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
''Get all browsers instances in ObjBrowserLst 
Set objBrowserLst= Desktop.ChildObjects(objBrowser)
''Get the count of all the browsers open
browsercnt = objBrowserLst.count
For i=0 to objBrowserLst.count-1  
'Store title of the Page in a variable 
GettitleAllbrowsers = GettitleAllbrowsers + ">"+objBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title") 
Set objBrowser = nothing
Set objBrowser = nothing
End Function

For further manipulating the browser details using descriptive programming. Please go through the below articles:

Code to close multiple browsers except Quality Center/ALM in UFT/QTP?

How to close the IE browsers and Internet Explorer not responding windows forecefully -VBScript

VBScript Code to close the IE browsers and Internet Explorer not responding window

  • VBScript Code to close the IE browsers and Internet Explorer not responding window

Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''This will close all the instances of task iexplore.exe.
''Parameter /f kills the process forcefully
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""imagename eq iexplore.exe"" /f")
WScript.Sleep 100
''At time Internet explorer is not responding error is displayed
''The task has window title as internet explorer not responding.
''We can close the task based on window title with regular expression as Internet *
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""WINDOWTITLE eq Internet*"" /f")
WScript.Sleep 100
''Once the window is closed, another window appear with similar title
'' which needs to be closed
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""WINDOWTITLE eq Internet*"" /f")

  • VBScript Code to save the list of running tasks and save it in file abc.txt

''Below command will return the service for the process and save it in file abc.txt
  Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''This will close all the instances of task iexplore.exe.
''Parameter /f kills the process forcefully
WShell.Exec("tasklist /fi /svc>test.txt")

Code to close multiple browsers except Quality Center/ALM in UFT/QTP?

Below Code shows how to close all browsers except browser based on the title of the browser in UFT / QTP.

Function CloseAllOpenbrowsersExcept(browsertitle)
Set oBrowser = Description.Create
oBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
''Get all browsers open 
Set oBrowserLst= Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowser)
For i=0 to oBrowserLst.count-1  
'Verify the title of the browser and close the browser if it does not the title passed
'in the function
  If InStr(oBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title"), browsertitle) = 0 Then
  End If  
Set oBrowser = nothing
Set oBrowser = nothing
End Function

Similarly we can tweak the above code to close only a particular browser as shown below:

Function CloseOpenbrowserWithTitle(browsertitle)
Set oBrowser = Description.Create
oBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
''Get all browsers open 
Set oBrowserLst= Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowser)
For i=0 to oBrowserLst.count-1  
'Verify the title of the browser and close the browser if it does not the title passed
'in the function
  If InStr(oBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title"), browsertitle) <> 0 Then
  End If  
Set oBrowser = nothing
Set oBrowser = nothing
End Function

Similarly we can close all browsers by removing the condition to check for title in the above code.

Function CloseAllOpenbrowsers()
Set oBrowser = Description.Create
oBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
''Get all browsers open 
Set oBrowserLst= Desktop.ChildObjects(oBrowser)
For i=0 to oBrowserLst.count-1  
'Verify the title of the browser and close the browser if it does not the title passed
'in the function
Set oBrowser = nothing
Set oBrowser = nothing
End Function

Solution - ActiveX component can't create object: 'TDApiOle80.TDConnection'

We can connect to ALM using 'TDApiOle80.TDConnection' object in VBscript as shown below:

Function CreateALMConnection(uRLALM,strUserName,strPassword,strDomain, strProject)
 Set objALMConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
        objQCConnection.InitConnectionEx uRLALM
        objQCConnection.Login strUserName, strPassword
        objQCConnection.Connect strDomain, strProject
  ''/* Write the required code for transaction with 
               '' ALM once the connection is created
        Set objQCConnection = Nothing
End Function 

Some of the useful code for interacting with ALM from VBScript can be found at below location:

Copying files from ALM to local machine

While running the script in 64 bit machine, error message 'ActiveX component can't create object: 'TDApiOle80.TDConnection' is displayed. In case you encounter such error, you can run the script from SysWow64 location in Windows as : 

C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cscript.exe scriptfilewithPath.vbs

From cscript.exe, the script will run successfully

Tips for Managing test data in QTP test scripts

Test Data management is an important factor for a robust automation framework. Test Data should be easily used by test scripts and should cover both positive and negative test scenarios.One of the key for successful automation is to avoid hard coded values and data in the test. To avoid hard coding test data in the script and running the same test script with multiple test data, we should take care of points explained in this article for using test data in the automation framework:

  • Test data should be maintained in external data source which can be an excel, csv or database.
  • Test data should be flexible. Suppose we need additional column to be used by test scripts.Test data should be used by test script in such a manner that changing the columns order or adding new column does not make any change in the test script.
  • Let me explain the above point with an example. Suppose initial excel file from which test data was read has three columns of data, Password, UserName and LoginResult. Suppose if a new column has been added for dateofBirth.  Adding this new column before Loginresult should not impact the script execution.


  • For this, we should have the column name in the first row as header and should use the test data from next row onward in the test script.The header fields name should be short but self explanatory. In the above example, Password, UserName, DateofBirth and LoginResult are header.
  • The test script should provide enough flexibility to execute a given row of data or not. To provide this we should use a column for Execution Flag which will indicate whether to execute the test with the test data in the row or skip to next row. Test script should be created in manner that they can be executed and iterated with multiple rows of data.
  •  Change in test data from one source to another, i.e. database to excel should have minimum impact on the test script execution.
  • We can consider using test generator tools which can generate random data for testing an application.
  • While preparing test data, we should dry run the test script with both positive and negative data to validate script behavior on both positive and negative conditions.

How to use Test data from external sources:

  • Test data can be imported from external source using import method or using excel object.
  • In case of using import methods, we will import a sheet (using import or importsheet method) or excel file into QTP data table and extract the data and use in test using get methods.
  •   In case of using Excel application, we can import the data in a two dimension array and then use data from the array or using scripting.dictionary to use data from the array.
  • Below is the algorithm of using scripting.dictionary to read the data and use in test scripts.
    • Create an array (two dimensional) for the data in the excel sheet.
    • From the array, read the top row data as header information and loop through rest of the column as data.Store the value as key-value pair e.g : Key Password will have value as ODI for the last row of the iteration. 
Below article shows how to use dictionary object to data drive a test in QTP:

How to compare arrays after sort data in Array using VBScript in QTP

In this article, we will discuss how to work with arrays explaining the below concepts:
  • How to sort data in the array.
  • How to compare two arrays.
  • How to view elements in an array

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Test Data for the example''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
arrayDataA = Array(43,54,65,76,87)
arrayDataB = Array(87,65,54,43,7)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Calling the functions for arrays''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
call funcArrayComparision(arrayDataA, arrayDataB)
arrayData = sortArray(arrayDataA)

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Function to sort data in an array'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

public function sortArray(arrayData)
For i = LBound(arrayData) to UBound(arrayData)
  For j = LBound(arrayData) to UBound(arrayData)
    If j <> UBound(arrayData) Then
      If arrayData(j) > arrayData(j + 1) Then
         TempValue = arrayData(j + 1)
         arrayData(j + 1) = arrayData(j)
         arrayData(j) = TempValue
      End If
    End If
sortArray = arrayData
End Function

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Function to view data in an array'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

public function ViewsortArray(arrayData)
For i = LBound(arrayData) to UBound(arrayData)
 msgbox arrayData(i)
End Function

'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Function to compare two arrays'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

Public Function funcArrayComparision(arrayA, arrayB)
''Firstly we will check whether the size of array matches, In case, It does not match, we can conclude values do not match 
   If ubound(arrayA) <> ubound(arrayB) Then
msgbox ("The array size is not same, so it is not possible array will match")
   ''Now first of all we need to sort the array content, since we are compring array value by value, we are sorting the data without taking as/desc order in focus
  arrayA = sortArray(arrayA)
  msgbox ("Sorted data in the ArrayA")
  arrayB = sortArray(arrayB)
msgbox ("Sorted data in the ArrayB")
  boolflag = 0
For i = 0 to ubound(arrayA)-1
If arrayA(i) = arrayB(i) Then
msgbox arrayb(i)
boolflag = 1
Exit For
End If
If (boolflag > 0) Then
msgbox ("congratulation ! array content in both the files match")
msgbox ("array content in both the files does not match")
End If
End If
End Function

VBScript Code - Function to convert CSV file into excel and viceversa in QTP using VBScript

We at times are required to convert excel files into csv to read as flat files and sometime require to convert a csv file into excel file to use excel features on the data.

Below function shows how to convert an csv file into excel file and vice versa. We can also convert to other formats based on constants

Here constant value 23 is used to create a csv file and constant -4143 to save a file as xls file.Once the destination file is created, we can delete the source file as shown below. In case of any issue in understanding the code, please add in comment section

 Call func_ConversionCSVExcel("E:\Test.csv", "E:\Test_converted.xls", "csvtoexcel")  
 Public Function func_ConversionCSVExcel(strSrcFile, strDestFile, Conversion)  
 on error resume next  
 Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application")  
 set objExcelBook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(strSrcFile)  
 If(Conversion = "ExceltoCSV") Then  
   objExcelBook.SaveAs strDestFile, 23  
   objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs strDestFile,-4143  
 End If  
 Set objExcel = Nothing  
 set objExcelBook = Nothing  
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("scripting.FileSystemObject")  
 Set objFSO =nothing  
 End Function  

How to load multiple function libraries at runtime from Quality Center in QTP

This post explains how to load multiple libraries at runtime from Quality Center in a QTP test. As the test size grows, it is better to associate or load function library at runtime with all the tests. 

Note we should associate an initialization library with each of the test and then perform following work in the initialization library. 

  • Load all the function library with the test
  • Load the shared object Repository with the test.
  • Remove the local object repository with the test to avoid object conflict
  • Load the environment variables to be used across test
  • Close all instances of application.
  • Providing the reporter configuration for the test. e.g: allowing reporting in QTP Reporter on scenario of error only

In the current post, we will focus only on how to load multiple libraries at runtime from Quality Center or local folder.

In the case of using local folder structure , the path [QualityCenter] Subject\Project_Name \......   changes to c:\QTP_Automation/......

 Const strLibraryNames = "[QualityCenter] Subject\Project_Name\QTP\Libraries\Library1.vbs>[QualityCenter] Subject\Project_Name\QTP\Libraries\Library2.vbs>[QualityCenter] Subject\Project_Name\QTP\Libraries\Library3.vbs>[QualityCenter] Subject\Project_Name\QTP\Libraries\Library4.vbs"  
 Function func_LoadFunctionLibrary(strLibraryName)  
  ''Load multiple Library Files seperated by '>'  
  collLibrary = split(strLibraryName, ">")  
    ''Now collLibrary is an array with each element in array storing the path of library  
  For i = 0 to ubound(collLibrary)  
  LoadFunctionLibrary collLibrary(i)  
 End Function  

How to create array from string separated by delimiter using vbscript split function

Suppose we have a string with value as : stringA = "nitin>joshi>qa>qtp>automation"

'' We can create an array using split function

Strarray = Split(StringA, ">")
'' we can loop through the array element using:

 intPropSet = Ubound(Strarray)  ''this gives the length or upper bound index of array.

  for i = 0 to intPropSet

      msgbox strarray(i)


''This can be useful to loop in validating multiple values ''e.g : Validating existence of multiple links with name as nitin or joshi or qtp or automation

''We can combine the values in an array using join statement

If (IsArray(Strarray)) then

   stringB = Join(Strarray, ">")

   msgbox "array with text: " + stringB


   msgbox "not an array"

End If

So while understanding How to create array from string separated by delimiter using vbscript split function, we have now understanding of Join, split, IsArray,Ubound and lbound also

All about working with browser object in QTP

This article discusses some useful code snippets working with browser object in QTP and useful tips while working with browser in QTP.

1.  How to launch a webpage in any of the browser.

Well, there are multiple ways to launch a webpage in browser of choice

a.  Using Systemutil command - SystemUtil.Run is an inbuilt QTP command used to launch an application. We can launch a browser using Systemutil as:

                  SystemUtil.Run "Chrome.exe", “

Using we can launch other application, e.g.: we can open a word document

         “winword.exe”, “C:\meraword.docx”

Other methods for Systemutil command are:

CloseProcessByName: Closes the process based on the name of the process. E.g.: If we want to close chrome in the machine, we can use:
                 SystemUtil.CloseProcessByName "chrome.exe"

CloseProcessByHwnd: Closes the process based on the window handle of the process.
                  SystemUtil.CloseProcessByHWND handleid

b.  Another method is to launch the browser using object. The code to launch the application using object is as follows:

                 Set objShell = CreateObject("")
                 set objShell = Nothing

    2. How to know how many browsers instances are open at a particular instance:

We can get the number of open instance of browser using below function
  Function getbrowsercount()
               ‘’Create an object of description class
              Set objBrowser = Description.Create
             ‘’ We have created an description object with micclass as browser
             ObjBrowser(“micclass”).Value = “Browser”
            ‘’objbr stores collection of objects which matches property of micclass as browser
             Set objbr = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjBrowser)
           ‘’ return the count of browsers in the function itself.
            getbrowsercount = objbr.count
            End Function

3. How to know the title of each of the  open browser

     Set objBrowser = Description.Create
    ObjBrowser(“micclass”).Value = “Browser”
    Set objbr = Desktop.ChildObjects(ObjectBrowser)
    getbrowsercount = objbr.count
    For i= 1 to objbr.count
   ’’Loop through each of the browser and print the title of browser in message box
            Msgbox objbr(i).getRoproperty(“title”)

    4. Now we need to close all the open browsers?

  ‘’We use ordinal identifier to identify an test object by assigning a numerical    value which indicates object’s  location or order relative to its group. Different types of Ordinal identifier are:
·         Index
·         Location
·         CreationTime.
While Browser(“Creationtime:=0”).exist(0)

 5. How to close all browser except Quality Center?

When we run a test in QTP, we do not require QC to close but other browsers to close. The code can easily be derived using the codes explained above.
The code will be something like:
Function CloseAllbrowsersExceptIE(browsertitle)
Set objBrowser = Description.Create
objBrowser("micclass").Value = "Browser"
'Get all browsers
Set objBrowserLst= Desktop.ChildObjects(objBrowser)
For i=0 to objBrowserLst.count-1  
 'Verify the title of the browser contains "Quality Center"  
If InStr(objBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title"), "Quality Center”) = 0 Then
            End If  
Set objBrowser = nothing
Set objBrowser = nothing
End Function

6. Next question is how to close only a particular browser only and keeping the other browsers open.

The code is very much similar to above problem where we close all the browser except QC.
Just need to change the if statement in the code above:

If InStr(objBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title"), "Quality Center”) = 0
If InStr(objBrowserLst(i).GetROProperty("title"), "Quality Center”) > 0

will close only the particular browser and keep the other browser open.