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XML DOM and QTP - Using VBScript

The XML DOM (XML Document Object Model) defines methods for accessing and manipulating XML documents.This topic will discuss how to manipulate  XML  using  vbscript and accessing information from XML.

Methods to Access XML DOM:

1. Creating an object for xmlDOM

set  xmldom = Createobject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
xmldom.async = “False”

2. Loading a file using xml DOM


3. To Find number of parent nodes in a xml

Intlen = Xmldom.childnodes.length

4. To find names of parent nodes

For i=0 to intlen-1
      strParNodeName = xmldom.childnodes(i).Name

5. How to search a node with tagName

Set nodelist = xmldom.getElementsByTagName(strTagName)

This gives a collection of nodes with tag name as strTagName.
The tagName value "*" will returns all elements in the document.

6. How to extract information from nodelist using GetElementbyTagName

Set nodelist = xmldom.getElementsByTagName(strTagName)
For i= 0 to nodelist.length – 1
       strText = nodelist.item(i).xml;
       msgbox strText

So points to remember in this are as follows:

  • We can get all elements with the tagname using xmldom.getElementsByTagName

  • Once we have the list, we can access each of the nodes in the list using item(index).property

  • To access attribute property value for a node , use strText = nodelist.item(i).getattribute("category")

  • To get xml content of a node, use strText = nodelist.item(i).xml

  • Use strText = nodelist.item(i).nodeName to get the name of required node.

  • Use strText = nodelist.item(i).text to get value in a particular node

Sample Code explaining the concept

FileName = "d:\xmldom.xml"
''Create an instance of xml dom
set  xmldom = Createobject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
''set async = "False"
xmldom.async = "False"
intlen = xmldom.childnodes.length
msgbox intlen
Set nodelist = xmldom.getElementsByTagName("title")
msgbox nodelist.length
If nodelist.length > 0 then
    For each x in nodelist
        myname = x.Text
        msgbox AttName +" "+ myname
    msgbox " field not found."
End If

7. Using Selectnodes method to extract information

FileName = "d:\xmldom.xml"
''Create an instance of xml dom
set  xmldom = Createobject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
''set async = "False"
xmldom.async = "False"
intlen = xmldom.childnodes.length
msgbox intlen
Set nodelist = xmldom.selectNodes("/bookstore/book/title")
msgbox nodelist.length
If nodelist.length > 0 then
    For each x in nodelist
        myname = x.Text
        msgbox AttName +" "+ myname
    msgbox " field not found."
End If

8. Using SelectSingleNode to extract information

FileName = "d:\xmldom.xml"
''Create an instance of xml dom
set  xmldom = Createobject("MSXML.DOMDocument")
''set async = "False"
xmldom.async = "False"
''This will give 1st item property matching the node structure
Msgbox xmldom.selectSingleNode("/bookstore/book/title").Text
''This will give 1st item property matching the node structure with filter as attribute value
Msgbox xmldom.selectSingleNode("/bookstore/book/title[@lang = 'ke']").Text
''This will give 1st item property matching the node structure with filter as text  value
Msgbox xmldom.selectSingleNode("/bookstore/book/title[.= 'Learning XML']").Text


  1. Why we do xmldom.async = “False”?

    1. basically Uft allows only synchronus connection so we make async=false so we dont face any trouble


  2. It means that if you do a request with that object the script waits until the result is fully returned, otherwise it moves on and you have to work with a callback routine to do something with the results or put up a loop in which you check with a timeinterval if the result is complete

  3. It waits for your xml document to load completely before it returns to the code.
