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Examples of Working with WebTable in QTP

HTML normally has many webtable and we can extract a lot of information using webtable methods in QTP. In this post we will discuss various methods by which we can used for webtable object.

Example 1: Validate if a webtable exist

boolExist = Browser(…).page(…).webtable(…).exist

Example 2 : To Find number of rows and columns in a web table

intRowCnt=Browser("Google").Page("title:=.*").WebTable(“name:= TTable").RowCount
For r=1 to intRowCnt
‘’ This will loop through each row and tell count of column in each row.
MsgBox intColCnt

Example 3: How to get data in a particular cell in the data table

strData= Browser("Google").Page("title:=.*").WebTable(“name:=TTable").GetCellData(r,c)
Where r = row number and c = column number

Example 4: Using childObject method to find objects of a particular type within a webtable

Public Function func_findObjectinaWebTable(strObjType)
Set objDesc=Description.Create
set objChild=Browser("Google").Page("title:=.*").WebTable(“name:=TTa").ChildObjects(objDesc)
func_findObjectinaWebTable = objChild.count
End Function

Example 5: Using HTML DOM to get count of objects in a webtable

Public Function func_findObjectinaWebTable(strTagName)
set objChild= Browser("Google").Page("title:=.*").WebTable(“name:=TestTable").object.getElementsbyTagName(strTagName)
func_findObjectinaWebTable = objChild.length
End Function

Example 6: Using ChildItemCount and childItem in webtable to extract information

Public Function func_findObjectinaWebTable(strObjType,introw,intCol)
If objChildCnt >0
Childitem will return object oftype defined in arguments for childitem
Set ChldItm = Browser("Google").Page("title:=.*").WebTable(“name:=TestTable,"index:=0").ChildItem(introw,intcol,strobjType,0)
If (strobjType = "Link" or strobjType ="WebEdit") Then
ElseIf(stobjType = "WebCheckBox") Then
ChldItm.Set "ON"
End If
End Function


  1. don't post your snippets as html, post as plain text. If we copy and paste they won't run until the characters are retyped.

    1. Hi. I paste the code in notepad and then again paste it in UFT editor. Still I face the same issue and have to retype most of the code. Can you help me resolve this issue?

  2. I have one question. I have a web table which has a weblist to be selected.The challenge is the position of the list box is changing dynamically. That means the the cell position is changing dynamically. How can I select a value from this? Please reply

    1. Hi Rajendra,
      Try using xpath/DOM for object identification based on the relative element to the cell(using child/sibling/parent)
      This should work

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