DOM is language independent model for representing and interacting with objects
in html. It defines the structure for HTML and help in traversing through
objects in HTML. QTP supports HTML DOM and following methods
are used to identify an object in HTML. This approach can be useful in case QTP
is not able to identify the object.
Following are the methods by which we can
identify an object using HTML DOM using QTP. We will explain methods used to extract information from HTML DOM and will use the below html as reference.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p id="para">Hello
<a id=”Link1” name =”LinkName” class=”LinkCls”>LinkTest</a>
<a id=”Link2” name =”LinkName” class=”LinkCls2”>LinkTest2</a>
<a id=”Link3” name =”LinkName” class=”LinkCls3”>LinkTest3</a>
GetElementsbyTagName Method
This methods gives a list of all objects
with the specified TagName. For e.g.: Set objColl =Browser(“…”).Page(“….”).object.getElementsbyTagName(“a”)
This will give the list of all elements in
the Page with tag name as “a”. In above sample html code, there are three
elements with tag name as a. So objColl will be a collection of three elements.
In this example, we can access the link with
class name as LinkTest2, we can use the below function
Function funcGetParticularElem(strObjName)
boolelemstat = False
set objLinkColl=
For each objLink in
If (objLink.classname
=strObjName) Then
= True
End If
If (boolelem= True) Then
Msgbox “Element
Msgbox “element
not found”
End If
gives the list of all objects matching the specified name.
For e.g.: Set objColl = Browser(“…”).Page(“….”).object.getElementsbyName(“LinkName”)
This will give the list of all elements in
the Page with name as “LinkName”. Similar to above explained example on how to
use HTML DOM for GetelementsbyTagName method, we can use the same for
getelementsbyname method and extract useful information for the element.
GetElementByID Method
gives the list of objects with a particular Id . Normally Id’s are unique for
each object in the Page, else it picks the first element of the object
satisfying the Id.
For e.g: Browser(“…”).Page(“….”).object.getElementbyId(“Link1”).click
This will select the object with Id as
“Link1” in the Page and perform the requested operation on the page. Difference
between GetElementById and above methods is whereas the above methods give collection
of elements. This method gives the element with the Id provided. Also Id
defined in the page is unique for
RunScript Method
This help to execute java script statement in QTP.
For e.g:
Once we have the collection of the objects,
we can iterate through the collection and compare properties of the object like
innerHTML,innerText with the expected value, and perform action on a particular
How to identify Object properties in the HTML Page
![Using developer toolbar for object identification Using developer toolbar for object identification](
We can use HTML DOM to extract information from the page and
is very useful in case object is not identified by QTP directly.
Suppose there are two buttons with similar properties in a web table. We can
use HTML DOM to identify object based on the unique object in the next cell of
web Table. To traverse the DOM structure and find properties of every element
in the page, there are various inbuilt and external tools based on browsers.In IE and chrome, we can press F12 to view DOM
structure and inspect elements in the html Page.