Blog to understand automation concepts in QTP, Selenium Webdriver and Manual Testing concepts

Sorting excel data multiple times based on column Name using VBScript

''Input Information - Workbook file Name with path
''WorkSheet Name
'' Provide the sort criteria based on which data needs to be filtered seperated by |

WorkBookFile = "C:\\testing.xls"
SheetName = "testing"
MultipleSortCriteria = "TestName|TestClass|TestPath"
'' Define the constants to be used in the script
  Const xlYes = 1
  Const xlAscending = 1
  Const xlDescending = 2
  Set oXL = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
  Set oWB = oXL.WorkBooks.Open(WorkBookFile)
  Set oWS = oWB.Worksheets(SheetName)  
  Set oRnge = oWS.UsedRange
  ColCnt = oRnge.columns.count
  '' Create an array based on the sort criteria provided 
  aSrtCriteria = split(MultipleSortCriteria,"|")
  For i = ubound(aSrtCriteria) to 0 step -1
  ''Loop the times data needs to be sorted
   For j = 1 to ColCount step 1
    If (oWS.cells(1,j).value =aSrtCriteria(i)) Then
     '' Sort the data based on the column name
     Set oRngeSrt = oXL.Range(Chr(asc("A")- 1+j) & "1")
     oRnge.Sort oRngeSrt, xlDescending, , , , , , xlYes
      Exit For
    End If    
   Set oWB = Nothing
   Set oXL = Nothing

VBScript Code to close the IE browsers and Internet Explorer not responding window

  • VBScript Code to close the IE browsers and Internet Explorer not responding window

Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''This will close all the instances of task iexplore.exe.
''Parameter /f kills the process forcefully
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""imagename eq iexplore.exe"" /f")
WScript.Sleep 100
''At time Internet explorer is not responding error is displayed
''The task has window title as internet explorer not responding.
''We can close the task based on window title with regular expression as Internet *
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""WINDOWTITLE eq Internet*"" /f")
WScript.Sleep 100
''Once the window is closed, another window appear with similar title
'' which needs to be closed
WShell.Exec("taskkill /fi ""WINDOWTITLE eq Internet*"" /f")

  • VBScript Code to save the list of running tasks and save it in file abc.txt

''Below command will return the service for the process and save it in file abc.txt
  Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
''This will close all the instances of task iexplore.exe.
''Parameter /f kills the process forcefully
WShell.Exec("tasklist /fi /svc>test.txt")