We can use descriptive programming to display the value stored for object e.g the value displayed in a edit box or a webelement or default value in a webList.
We can learn following key points from the code below:
- How to create a description object using description.create
- How to implement descriptive programming for object uniquely identified by using multiple properties
- How to use getROProperty to extract information at runtime
- How to return value by a function.
Public Function ValueDisplayedForObject(DescObj,ObjType)
On error resume next
Set objDesc= Description.create
'Set of Property value are delimited by ,
If (instr(1,DescObj,",") >0) Then
''Split multiple links based on delimiter. ,
arrDesc = split(DescObj,",")
intPropSet = Ubound(arrDesc)
''Loop through each of the link and click the required link
for i = 0 to intPropSet
'' Property and value for property are seperated by |
strDesc = split(arrDesc(i),"|")
objDesc(strDesc(0)).value = strDesc(1)
''In case of only one property value set of image
strDesc = split(DescObj,"|")
objDesc(strDesc(0)).value = strDesc(1)
End If
If (ucase(ObjType) = "WEBELEMENT") Then
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebElement(objdesc).GetRoProperty("innertext")
ElseIf (ucase(ObjType) = "WEBLIST") Then
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebList(objdesc).GetRoProperty("value")
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit(objdesc).GetRoProperty("value")
End If
If (err.number<>0) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micpass,"Value displayed for object",err.description
End If
End Function.
Please see below links for more on descriptive programming
qtp descriptive programming basics
descriptive programming examples and comparison with OR
On error resume next
Set objDesc= Description.create
'Set of Property value are delimited by ,
If (instr(1,DescObj,",") >0) Then
''Split multiple links based on delimiter. ,
arrDesc = split(DescObj,",")
intPropSet = Ubound(arrDesc)
''Loop through each of the link and click the required link
for i = 0 to intPropSet
'' Property and value for property are seperated by |
strDesc = split(arrDesc(i),"|")
objDesc(strDesc(0)).value = strDesc(1)
''In case of only one property value set of image
strDesc = split(DescObj,"|")
objDesc(strDesc(0)).value = strDesc(1)
End If
If (ucase(ObjType) = "WEBELEMENT") Then
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebElement(objdesc).GetRoProperty("innertext")
ElseIf (ucase(ObjType) = "WEBLIST") Then
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebList(objdesc).GetRoProperty("value")
ValueDisplayedForObject = Browser("Browser_Encompass").Page("title:=.*").WebEdit(objdesc).GetRoProperty("value")
End If
If (err.number<>0) Then
Reporter.ReportEvent micpass,"Value displayed for object",err.description
End If
End Function.
Please see below links for more on descriptive programming
qtp descriptive programming basics
descriptive programming examples and comparison with OR