Blog to understand automation concepts in QTP, Selenium Webdriver and Manual Testing concepts

Risk Analysis - Next Steps for Identified Risks

Once by using different Risk Identification techniques as described in previous article, we have identified all the possible risk in the project life cycle, Please see  First Step in Risk Analysis – Techniques for Identifying Risks,  The next phases in Risk Analysis post risk Identification phase in order of their occurrence  are as follows:
  •  Use Organisation level risk Management Template or use Risk breakdown sheet. – Most of the organisation has templates defined for Risk Analysis. It makes no sense to reinvent the wheel. Some of key data that we need to store for each risk are defined as below:

a.    Risk Definition – This explains what the risk is.

b.   Root Cause – We need to analyze what is the root cause of the risk. Analyzing risk root cause help to identify where problem and it is highly possible that more than one risk have the same root cause. So countering the root cause using control can help solve multiple goals in one go.

c.   Risk Categorization – Categorization risk is important to group risk. Risk can be classified broadly into three categories, Technical, Internal or External risk. Classifying Risk into categories helps to get proper input from the experts or specific team. For this risks can also be sub-categorized. E.g.: Risk can be related to Infrastructure team or Legal team, So we get input and control actions from the expert group in one go, and helps to get proper inputs from the required team or individual.

d.   Once we have root cause, categorization, and risk definition. We need to provide the control action on how to avoid or reduce the impact of risk.

e.   When we define risk, the probability of happening of a risk can vary from project to project. Probability of risk occurrence needs to be understood and provide in the template

f.    Similar to Probability, Impact of risk is very important. Even a low probability risk can be highly critical in case its business impact is very high. Control action is must, and should be well thought of as it can affect business
g.  We also need to identify in which phase  risk can turn into a loss. E.g. : Assumption which are also risk should be resolved in requirement Phase and so on. Response of risk events occurring early in the project should be handled first and detailed risk mitigation plan developed for the same.

h.   Risk should be quantitatively analyzed especially with high impact, high probability, or both to generate statically cleaner data for risk occurrence and its impact. Decision tree, distribution models, and tornado diagrams are some example of the same.

i.   Define the expected monetary value of the risk converting to loss taking into consideration both impact and probability

j.    Next Step is to assign risk to required stakeholders. We can break the document into high to medium priority risk and low and trivial priority risks in another document. So that major focus is not diverted on low and trivial priority risks.

k.   Once we get the response, we need to maintain the template document used with the responses and response provider to clarify with the Risk Owner.

  • Once we have created the template, we still require regular risk meeting and risk monitoring in process, so as to add any new risk identified during the project life cycle and also to track how we are faring with the risk identified

Learning Selenium - Validating existence of object based on text of object

In this post, We will discuss on an example to verify if an element exist in the Page using Selenium. Together with Selenium concept of finding list of elements using findElements, we will discuss on following concepts useful on using Selenium with Java.

1. In this article, we will know how to create a generic function to verify elements of a specific object type based on text of object. Since this is a genric approach, we can use similar concept on working with multiple object. 

2. Explaining how to split a string based on delimiter into a string array.

3. Explaining how to use try catch statements to handle error in the Page. In case of no element found in the page matching the identifier, Exception needs to be handled using try catch block,

4. We will explain how to use switch statement in Java useful from a tester's perspective.  Switch is a useful concept to work with different inputs to create a generic function.

5.How to loop through list of elements is explained in the below example. Once we find a list of web Elements. how to extract each element in the list.

6. Creating a function with return value as boolean is explained.

Please find the code below: 

public boolean boolElementExists(String strObjType, String strText)
 boolean boolret = false;
//Suppose there are multiple object text provided of an object type provided in the strText, we will provide text separated by > .
//for e.g : login>HELP as link object in the Page
 String[] sre = strText.split(">");
// Loop through each of the text provided 
 for ( int j = 0;j<sre.length;j++)
  List<WebElement> elemlst = null;
  // We will convert the strObjType to Upper Case and trimming the text around.
  strObjType = strObjType.toUpperCase().trim();
  //we will use try catch to return false mostly to handle scenario of object not found expection , in this case we will return false from the function
   //we will use a switch to perform action on an object.A case is used in this case to store different value in WebElement List Object. Using switch provides good option to create generic functions 
   switch (strObjType)
   // in case of link object storing all the elements of type link in elemlst
   case "LINK":
// driver is already discussed in a previous article . Please refer to below article to understand how a driver object is created. 
Understanding Selenium Web Driver: Launching Selenium on different browsers

     elemlst = driver.findElements(By.tagName("a")); 
    // in case of link object storing all the elements of type link in label
   case "LABEL":
    elemlst = driver.findElements(By.tagName("label")); 
    // This is just a example , we can define other objects type also
   // Now we will loop through all the objects of link , and whereever the text matches , we will loop out of the function and true will be returned.
   for (int i=0;i<elemlst.size();i++)
    if (elemlst.get(i).getText().contentEquals(strText.trim()))
       boolret = true;
       i= elemlst.size()-1;
   // In case no match is found , it will return false.
   if (boolret = false)
    return false;
  catch(Exception e)
   return false;
 return boolret;

First Step in Risk Analysis – Techniques for Identifying Risks

The first phase in risk Analysis is identifying risks and categorization of risks. There are three categories of risks associated with software systems, Internal Risks, External Risks and Technical risks. Risk can be broadly classified into these categories. Categorization of risk into categories is known as Risk breakdown structure (RBS).

In this topic, we will discuss mainly on different risk identification techniques. In the next articles, we will discuss on what are the different types of risks.

Risk Identification Techniques:

The first step for a successful risk analysis is to identify all risks in the system during the planning stage. It is important for whole group to provide inputs in risk as individuals on specific stream are in better position to provide on the possible risks and collating all information in a RBS or specific template as used by Organisation for risk analysis. Every possible risk should be identified during the initial phase irrespective of its impact. Risk can be collected from team in following ways:

  • Brainstorming – In this process, the group comprising of team members collects in a room and discusses on every possible risk in the presence of a facilitator who knows the risk processes. Users can discuss on different approaches, interviewing team members of group, including as much stakeholders as possible, discussing on lesson learnt and risks found in similar project in the past projects.
  •  Delphi Technique – In this process, same questionnaire is sent to multiple experts by the facilitator asking for their opinions on the probable risks in the project. Once inputs are received from the expert, the facilitator shares the information back to the experts asking for their opinions again on the risks. Facilitator shares the rationale provided by different experts to the same risk with the same group. The process is continued for 2-3 rounds, and usually experts come on similar page provided based on collective rationale provided by team. For success of Delphi technique, anonymity of experts is a must and should be kept even after risk identification process completion.
  • Root Cause Analysis – Once we have the identified risk, we need to know what is the condition that will cause the risk to happen. This also provides the insight on condition that may trigger a risk and it is very much possible that root cause of multiple risks be one. Using fishbone or Ishikawa technique can be used to generate risk information and extract useful information diagrammatically from the risk.
  • Interview the stakeholder – Together with internal team, client can also be interview what are the different risk they feel on the project. Interviewing different stakeholders bring different perspective on the same issue.
  •  Assumptions– For improper information in the project, we do make assumptions. Each of the assumption you make is a risk to the Project and we should have sign off as early as possible on the assumption we have made from client Perspective.
  • Checklist Analysis – Analysis checklist of risk and discussing on the risk in checklist if the risk has been discussed, and a decision has been made. This ensures each of the risk in the system is analyzed, discussed and work upon.
  • Lesson Learnt and documentation from past project – Risk identified should be documented in a document as previous documents and lesson learnt acts as an important sources of risk applicable in current work.
  • Using SWOT – Creating a SWOT helps to identify the strength, weakness, Opportunities and Threats. Understanding Weaknesses and threats are an important source of risk identification