Blog to understand automation concepts in QTP, Selenium Webdriver and Manual Testing concepts

Simulating Keyboard and mouse operations in UFT using settings.replay type

In QTP, We can replicate device events, i.e keyboard and mouse operation using the below line of code.

Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 2

By default, value of the Setting is 1, in which UFT interacts with application using the browser through DOM.

Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") = 1

In case, you are not able to perform click or operation on an element in the page, please give a try by providing setting:

 Setting.WebPackage("ReplayType") =2

Useful Batch file commands

Batch files help user to execute series of commands in the batch file. We can execute large number of commands in one go using bat file.

Some useful batch commands:

@echo off does not echo the text post the command and only displayes the execution result

@echo on the text post the command and only displays the execution result

Pause- the batch file execution is halted until further intervention of user by pressing keys.

CALL - calling one batch file from another batch file

cd -  Change directory

cls - clean the window

copy -copy files from source to destination

DIR - List of directory and files

ERASE - delete files

FC - Compares files
IF - Conditional statement

mkdir - Make a new directory/folder

move - move files or folder

ping - Check TCP/IP connection to a remote IP address

rmdir - remove folder/directory

SC - Managing services

set - manipulate environment variable 

taskkill - kills an active process

taslist - List active processes

REM - remark statement
Arguments %1….. – This is the first argument to be provided from the
 command prompt as parameter for the batch command.


Starting with batch files:

Let us take a simple example of using batch file to display Create a new file with extension as .bat. Suppose we need to compare two text files. The content of batch file for this will look like

@echo off

Fc %1 %2 /n>%3


To execute this bat file, we have to write in command prompt  as:

D:\new.bat d:\testsrc.txt d:\testdest.txt d:\testlog.txt

Renaming all/specific subfolders in a folder using vbscript FSO

In this post, how to rename all the subfolders in a folder using vbscript is explained

  • Renaming all sub folders in a folder removing spaces from the file

call RemoveblankSpace_Subfolders("D:\TextTest")

 ''strbasefoldername - Folder Path in which file needs to be replaced
 Public Function RemoveblankSpace_Subfolders(strbasefoldername)
 On error resume next
 Dim objFSO
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Dim objFolder 
    For Each objSubFolder In objFSO.GetFolder(strbasefoldername).SubFolders
     FlderName = objSubFolder.Name
  FlderName = replace(FlderName," ","")
  objSubFolder.Name = FlderName
    Set objSubFolderFolder = Nothing 
    Set objFSO = Nothing 
End Function

  • Rename specific subfolder in a folder using vbscript

call Rename_Subfolders("D:\TextTest","es","twist",false,"test")

'' strbasefoldername - Folder Path in which file needs to be replaced
'' strFindtext - text in the folder name that needs to be replaced
'' strReplaceText - new text to replace the existing test
'' boolAllFlders - boolean flag to indicate if all the subfolder needs to be renamed or
'' specific folders needs to be renamed
'' OnlyfoldersWithText - replace only folder with specific text. will consider only if
'' boolAllFlders =true
 Public Function Rename_Subfolders(strbasefoldername,strFindtext,strReplaceText,boolAllFlders,OnlyfoldersWithText)
 On error resume next
 Dim objFSO
 Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
    Dim objFolder
    For Each objSubFolder In objFSO.GetFolder(strbasefoldername).SubFolders
 FlderName = objSubFolder.Name
  if boolAllFlders = false then
   if(instr(1,FlderName,OnlyfoldersWithText)>0) then
    FlderName = replace(FlderName,strFindtext,strReplaceText)
    objSubFolder.Name = FlderName
   End If
    FlderName = replace(FlderName,strFindtext,strReplaceText)
    objSubFolder.Name = FlderName
  End If
    Set objSubFolderFolder = Nothing 
    Set objFSO = Nothing 
End Function