Blog to understand automation concepts in QTP, Selenium Webdriver and Manual Testing concepts

How to work with Assertions in TestNG tests

     Assertions are added in TestNG to validate whether a condition is true or false and report in test results the execution state of condition. For example in selenium test for login, we provide valid username and password and login, we expect the title to be displayed correctly in the page. Assertions are used in code, where we need to validate the state of an object properties and fail the test in case expected conditions are not met.

Different type of assertions:

  • Assert.AssertEquals(Expected condition, Actual condition) – This compares the expected condition with actual condition and fails the test in case the assertion fails.Different object types can be compared using Assert.AssertEquals
  • Assert.AssetEquals(Expected condition, Actual condition, Message)- This compares the expected condition with actual condition and fails the test in case the assertion fails displaying the message as defined while calling the assertion.
  • Assert.assertFalse(Boolean condition) - Asserts that a condition is false
  • Assert.assertFalse(Boolean condition, String Message )- Asserts that a condition is false. If it isn't, an Assertion Error, with the given message, is thrown.

  • Assert.assertTrue(Boolean condition, String Message )- Asserts that a condition is true. Assertion fails if condition is not true and string message is displayed.

  • Assert.AssertNull(object) – Validates if a assertion is null.

There are various other assertion which we can add in TestNG test. The issue with assertion is case execution stops in case an assertion fails. So if we do not want to stop a test on failure and continue with test execution, using assert statement will not work, instead we can wrap the assert function to verify the test condition and continue with test execution. We will discuss in future article for how to use soft assertion in the test scripts.

Below code explains how to use different assert in TestNG tests.

 package testNG;  
 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;  
 import org.testng.Assert;  
 import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest;  
 import org.testng.annotations.Test;  
 public class assertionVal {  
      WebDriver driver;  
      public void setup()   
           File file = new File("D:\\selenium\\IEDriverServer.exe");  
           System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath());       
           driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();  
      public void assertVal()   
           Assert.assertEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP", driver.getTitle());  
           //Assert to compare two values and reporting a message in case validation fails  
           Assert.assertEquals("aaa", "aaa", "this is the first test and value does not match");  
           //Assert to validate a boolean condition as false   
           Assert.assertFalse(driver.getTitle().contentEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP"));  
           //Assert to validate a boolean condition as true   
           Assert.assertFalse(driver.getTitle().contentEquals("Learning Automation Concepts in QTP"));  
        //Assertion to validate an object is not null.  

Understanding Parameters in TestNG tests

Parameters can be passed to a method from testNG.xml file. In this article, we will discuss on how to Pass parameter value in the methods.

Focus Area of this article:

  • How to pass a parameter from Testng.xml file to the test method.
  • How to define default value of a parameter in a test method.
  • How to pass multiple parameters through TestNG,xml

How to pass a parameter from Testng.xml file to the test method: 

In the below code, we have defined parameter with name as "Param1". Method mailval has argument test which will accept the value as defined in TestNG.xml file.

package testNG;

import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class NewTestoptionalParameter {

  public void mailval(String Test)

In the testNG.xml file, we need to provide the parameter with name and a value assigned to the parameter as seen below. So if we execute this test from testNG.xml file, we will get the output as Parameter has name as param 1.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <parameter name="Param1" value="Parameter has name as param 1" />  
 <test name="Test1">  
   <class name="testNG.NewTestoptionalParameter"/>  

Let us assume scenario where we have added a parameter in the Test method, but does not define and provide the value of the parameter in the testNG.xml file as shown in the below xml file code.In this case, on execution of the test, we will get the output as blank.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
   <class name="testNG.NewTestoptionalParameter"/>  

We can assign default value to a parameter using Optional as shown in the code below. Now in case we do not define the parameter in the TestNG.xml file, the argument will work with the assigned default value and will output in console as "testing".

package testNG;

import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class NewTestoptionalParameter {

  public void mailval(@Optional("testing") String Test)

Next thing, we can define multiple parameters for a method as shown in the code below:

package testNG;

import org.testng.annotations.Parameters;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

public class NewTestoptionalParameter {

  public void mailval(@Optional("resting") String Test, String Test1)

And finally , we can define the test parameter at test level as well as suite level. If a parameter is defined at both test as well as suite level, Parameter value defined at test level is considered. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="Suite1">
<parameter name="Param1" value="Parameter has name as param 1s" /> 
<test name="Test1">
 <parameter name="Param1" value="Parameter has name as param 1t" /> 
 <parameter name="Param2" value="Parameter has name as param 2t" /> 
    <class name="testNG.NewTestoptionalParameter"/>

Working with TestNG.XML to execute Selenium test suite

While using TestNG, we can execute multiple tests or methods in the project based on the test annotations, the methods, and classes in the Project. We will execute the test suite from eclipse using TestNG.xml in this article to keep it simple, although we can execute the Test Suite from command line or through Ant.


Focus of this article:

  • How to create TestNG xml file to run test suite.
  • How to run test from the TestNG xml file in eclipse.

Let us consider the below two classes in a Java Project. To Keep it simple, we are just outputting a value in each of the Test method. Suppose we have two different classes, we can create a test suite using testng.xml file and run the test suite from eclipse as shown in the below image.

Creating TestNG.xml file for different scenarios:

A. Run all the tests in both classes NewTest and NewTest1. This will execute all the methods with beforetest annotation in both the classes, followed by methods with test annotation, and then methods with afterText annotation.

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
  <test name="Test">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
       <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

B. Run test in class NewTest and then the methods in NewTest1 class:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
  <test name="Test1">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
  <test name="Test2">  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

C. Executing all tests in a package with name as TestNG(Note: TestNG is the name of package in our example, it can be any name other than TestNG also)

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
    <package name="testNG" />  

D. Executing all tests based on the group Name:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
    <include name="testemail"/>  
    <exclude name="testnoemail"/>  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest"/>  
    <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  

E. Executing specific methods by including methods in the class:

 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
 <!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">  
 <suite name="Suite1">  
 <test name="Test1">  
   <class name="testNG.NewTest">  
     <include name="emailval" />  
   <class name="testNG.NewTest1"/>  